Who Provides Research Grants? A List Of 39 Potential Grantors.

Originally published on ivypanda. Looking for ways to resolve financial issues surrounding your research project is a daunting task. The list below comprises 39 potential grantors, categorized by disciplines. All the grants are current as of 2021. We hope this list will save you time and effort that you can dedicate to more creative things. Multidisciplinary ThisContinue reading “Who Provides Research Grants? A List Of 39 Potential Grantors.”

Research Instrument Meaning, Examples And Functions.

The process of measurement, which is the assigning of values or scores to phenomenon (objects or events) according to rules is very important to research.One of the aims of the research is to obtain a better understanding of the relationships among variables. Researchers depend on observed characteristics of a sample to approximate characteristics of aContinue reading “Research Instrument Meaning, Examples And Functions.”

What Is A Research Hypothesis And Why Is It Necessary?

The search for a reliable knowledge is a constant pursuit of those who seek growth and advancement in life. Seekers of reliable knowledge always carry out the search consciously, objectively and systematically through a logical study of a problem. This is what research is all about. Research is a scientific process with a research hypothesisContinue reading “What Is A Research Hypothesis And Why Is It Necessary?”

How Do You Write A Grant Research Proposal? (9 Things To Consider).

When you send your proposal for sponsorship, it must pass through two stages. The primary short listing stage and the committee selection stage. For your proposal to be on the primary short list, it has to satify the requirements of conformity to the research theme, format, cost, elegibility and duration. After scaling this stage, yourContinue reading “How Do You Write A Grant Research Proposal? (9 Things To Consider).”