Money, Like Honey Grows On Branch Of Bees.

Money, like honey, grows on branch of bees, on the tree at the island surrounded by a sea with measureless depth and width. So, to get it, you must take the risk but don’t swim with monsters and beasts of the sea, rather tame them and ride one of them to the tree, there, youContinue reading “Money, Like Honey Grows On Branch Of Bees.”

If Your Home Is A Dark Hole, You Would Remain Unknown.

You are unknown in the hole, so change your abode, crawl out of there, champions belong on the stage where all eyes can see them, cast aside self-doubts and self-disbelief, do away with every negativity. that is keeping you out of circulation, leave behind everything that’s stopping you from rising to the occasion of: announcingContinue reading “If Your Home Is A Dark Hole, You Would Remain Unknown.”